Helpful Information & FAQs

Please click here to view our Support for our Families booklet.

Please click here to view our guidance on completing the student information form.


What does my son/daughter do on their first day in September?

Students meet in their colleges. They will then meet their designated tutor who will give them a tour of the school, their planner and timetable. 

What do I need to remember to bring on my first day? 

On their very first day, students should ensure they have a fully equipped pencil case and their PE kit.   For stationery and PE kits please see the transition booklet

What time does school open?

The Hub is open at 8.00 am where breakfast can be purchased before school starts.  A member of staff will be on hand if needed.

What time do students need to be at school?

All students need to be on site by 8.30 am in readiness for Tutor time which starts at 8.40 am.

What do students do if they are late?

There will be a member of staff outside Reception until 9am who will sign in late students. If a student arrives after 9am they MUST report to Reception to sign in and collect a late slip, this is for safeguarding and fire regulations.  Lateness may result in a break time detention.

What if my son/daughter has an appointment during the school day?

We realise it is not always possible to obtain appointments out of school hours but where possible we ask parents/carers to do so. Parents/carers should notify the Attendance Office through the Arbor Parent Portal or via the absence line (on the main office number 01562 859800) with the date and time. We will often request an appointment slip or letter as evidence of the appointment, particularly if your son/daughter has a low attendance.

When the student arrives in school from an appointment, they MUST go to Reception to sign in.  They will be given a late slip to take to lesson and asked to leave their mobile phones at reception.

If a student needs to leave in the middle of the day, they MUST collect an Exit Slip from Reception first thing in the morning, so they leave their lesson early and also leave their mobile phone with the Receptionist. Before leaving school, they MUST report to Reception to sign out and collect their mobile phone.  Parents collecting students should inform Reception when they arrive. We will only allow students to leave with those contacts we hold on our school management system. If an adult arrives and is not listed, we are unable to let them leave unless we have authorisation from the parent/carer who has parental responsibility.  This is important for safeguarding reasons.

What does my child do if they feel poorly during the school day?

If a student is unwell at any time during the school day, they should inform a member of staff and a first aider will be notified.  After assessment, if the student needs to be collected, a call will be made by a member of staff. Students SHOULD NOT contact parents directly they MUST see a first aider in the first instance.

Who do I need to speak to if I have any concerns with my child?

If a student has any concerns, they can speak to their Tutor in the first instance. Parents/carers can contact the tutor with any concerns via email, telephone or arrange a face-to-face meeting. Please note if you arrive without an appointment there is no guarantee you will be seen immediately and you may have to wait until an appropriate member of staff is available or we will ask you to make an appointment for a mutually convenient time.

How do students get a school lunch?

Hot and cold food, drinks and snacks are available from the Hub and the Pod at breakfast, break and lunch.  Students can also bring their own packed lunch which can be eaten in the Hub or outside.  We have a cashless system for purchasing food using biometrics (electronic fingerprint).  Students will have already had their fingerprints scanned during their transition days.

Parents/carers can either upload money to student's account via the Arbor Parent Portal or students can deposit cash into the re-valve machine sited in the Hub. If students have their own debit card, they can also use this.

Don’t forget if you think you might be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or would like to check you can do this here

The FSM entitlement is not active until lunchtime and students can choose from a specific range of food and drink items (if they are unsure, our helpful catering staff are on hand).  If a student would like food/drink during break this can be paid for as detailed above.  See menu for full details

Please note, if you are currently in receipt of FSM at primary school, this will automatically transfer to us. No additional information will be required.

When do I receive the Arbor registration link?

Only those parents who have legal parental responsibility (PR) will receive the link via email.  In the first instance this is only sent to contact one (as detailed on the Student Personal Information Form).  Additional contact(s) with PR will receive a link in due course. 

What do I do if any contact details or other information changes?

Changes can be updated within the Arbor Parent Portal which is our preferred option. Alternatively, you can also email . Examples of changes we need to be informed of are:

  • Home address of student or any contact
  • Contact numbers
  • Email address of those who hold PR
  • Student medical information or medication

If emailing, please put in the subject title “Student Personal Information Update”. You must include in the main body of your email your son/daughter’s full name, year and tutor group, along with the information you are changing from and to.

What do I do if my child has lost property?

We strongly recommend that you label school uniform, PE kit (including trainers) and any equipment that can be labelled as this helps us to reunite any lost items.  Any lost property is held in Reception and any lost and found items are listed on the daily bulletin which is read out during tutor time. Unclaimed items are only held for one term.

What does my child do if they need the toilet during lesson time?

Students should ensure they use the toilets at break and lunch time, as students are discouraged from going to the bathroom during lesson time.