Our Church of England Ethos

At Wolverley we believe that everyone is unique. We enable everyone to experience ‘life in all its fullness’ through living out our core biblical values.

We are passionate about developing well-rounded individuals by striving for excellence in everything that we do, so that all are inspired and empowered to fulfil their AMBITION UNLIMITED

God has created us fearfully and wonderfully as unique individuals. Because he loves all of us, he wants us to flourish to be the best we can be, living life in all its fullness. We recognise that may mean dealing with the good and the bad, but also understand that God in his love and compassion, is with us throughout.

Good stewards of the gifts we have been given, used to the glory of God, through this we are able to reach our full potential being the people God created us to be.  

‘Leaders, including governors, hold the school community that they serve at the heart of everything. Empowered by the relevance of the Christian vision, they make courageous decisions that daily benefit adults and pupils.’SIAMS march 2024

We are a school where students are given the confidence and capacity to flourish because of our distinctively Christian values.  We are an extremely friendly and supportive school with an excellent team of staff where positive relationships, built upon love, compassion, freedom and justice, underpin all areas of school life.

Value Wheel

Collective Worship

Wolverley CE Secondary School’s collective worship give staff and students alike the chance to pause and reflect, based on the Christian scriptures, the Church calendar and our school ethos, while being very inclusive in nature.  Staff and students of all faiths and of none are invited to consider our Big Questions, tricky topics and news, through thought and discussion, to be inspired and encouraged as they develop spiritually and participate and flourish in the wider world. ​​

College Worship 

Once a week each college meets together for worship.  Our Bible text is unpacked and related to events in the world or in our lives together.  Pupils are invited to consider the message of the collective worship and may make a personal response during a time of prayer. The weekly collective worship is followed up in tutor sessions with further reflection and focus.

Whole School Worship 

At least once every term there is an opportunity for us to meet together as a whole school in worship.

Eucharist and other Special Services 

Special services are held in September to welcome our new Year 7 pupils to the Wolverley CE School family and also in May to say ‘goodbye’ to our Year 11 pupils as they leave us.   Our Year pupils are also invited to a Christingle Service during Advent, in which Christingles are made and our ability to pass on light and hope to others is considered. ​​

On 11th November we gather outside as a whole school for a short act of remembrance.  This includes prayers for peace and the laying of poppy wreaths by some of our cadets. ​

A celebration of the Eucharist is planned for every pupil during our school year.  Unfortunately these have sometimes been affected by the recent restrictions, but we remain hopeful that we may soon be able to offer the Eucharist again. 

Memorial Services 

When we have experienced the trauma of death together as a school family, we have found it helpful to gather in worship and in remembrance of our lost sister or brother.  These very moving acts of memorial have been largely planned by either the staff members or the pupils who knew the deceased person best, and facilitated by the Chaplain and members of the Senior Leadership team.