

"Most pupils enjoy taking part in an impressive range of lunchtime and after-school clubs, along with a variety of local, national and international trips. There is something for everyone. "

Ofsted Report 2021

Enrichment helps students to develop their interests and abilities, provides valuable learning experiences outside their studies and promotes independence and interpersonal links with students in other years. Enrichment is a major strength of Wolverley CE Secondary School. We believe that every student has gifts they can develop at school. As a result, to develop these gifts outside of the classroom, we run a comprehensive enrichment programme. Within our active supervision programme, there are a range of activities that run at lunch time and after school. Throughout the academic year, all departments contribute to our programme ensuring we offer an extensive range of activities to engage all. Students are consulted regularly on opportunities they would like to be made available.

Enrichment is not just the extra-curricular activities at Wolverley. We believe that it is everything that we do in addition to the academic lessons. Throughout the year, there are numerous trips, visits, external speakers from a variety of backgrounds and theatre and dance groups who work with our students.

We also believe that promoting leadership opportunities and skills will ensure our students achieve the best they can when they leave Wolverley. There is a wide range of leadership opportunities for our students, across a number of subjects allowing students to learn and develop interpersonal skills in a fun and active way. Our Prefects also make a huge contribution to the school community and are ambassadors for student leadership across the school.

At Key stage 4 there is an additional focus on academic support on top of the more fun and physical based enrichment opportunities. All students receive a passport of intervention sessions they should attend. This gives them any extra support they may require to achieve the highest possible academic standards.