


The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents and in the end its about using all of that knowledge to help bring people together.

Barrack Obama

Department Vision 

In humanities we design our curriculum to allow our students to flourish as compassionate world citizens. Our ambitious curriculum explores the challenges facing social justice both in the past and felt today by diverse populations.

We believe that our curriculum gives our students the skills to evaluate various interpretations and come to their own conclusions regarding events. We also focus on how, while we have the freedom to make choices, the consequence of these actions have varied impacts on the world we live in. Through the combination of history and geography we aim to garner a love for the wider world and their unique place within it.

Subject Information 

The geography department seeks to stimulate students’ curiosity, interest and enjoyment in the world around them. It cultivates a sense of location, a knowledge of places and a respect for differing cultures. It encourages open, enquiring minds that are aware of contemporary issues. The teaching of geography builds on students’ existing knowledge of places, concepts and skills.

A broad curriculum encompasses contemporary topics as well as the more familiar traditional geography topics Key Stage 3 is designed to inspire and stimulate students, while allowing them to develop key geographical skills including: mapwork, literacy, numeracy, ICT, independent research, decision making, problem solving and team work.

Important issues such as climate change and sustainability are corner stones of the three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum, which also includes more traditional topics, such as development, tectonic hazards and urbanisation. Students learn to understand major problems in the world and how people interact with the environment.

At Key Stage 4, students study the AQA 9-1 course which encompasses how humans interact with the natural environment and includes a residential fieldwork study, which draws in geographical applications.

Geography rocks!

Subject Documents Date
Geography Road Map 2022 26th Sep 2022